ACCA Accelerate

Special offer for students registered with ACCA under the Accelerate Scholarship.

Who is this offer for?

For ACCA students, who have graduated from the ACCA-accredited Accelerate Programme.

For students of ACCA Accelerate programmes who would like to enhance and deepen their knowledge while still in the course of their studies.

What will you gain by taking up this offer?

20% discount on any ACCA course and BPP educational materials ordered.

The discount is granted for all types of BPP courses (interactive Online Classroom Live and flexible Online Classroom) and all available formats of learning materials (print and eBooks).

Find out more about how we teach ACCA


Go to the order forms page and benefit from the special offer


Full terms and conditions of this offer

1. To benefit from the promotion, you must place an order for course and/or books using the order form available on our website.
2. A special code must be entered in the "promotion code" field on the order form: ACCA_ACCELERATE.
3. Along with the order form, a clear scan or photo of the Accelerate Letter - a certificate confirming study under the ACCA Accelerate programme issued by the University - must be sent to BPP. The certificate can be issued by the Dean's Office or the ACCA Coordinator at the University.
4. If the certificate cannot be sent in one e-mail with the order form, the student must send the Accelerate Letter to the address within a maximum of 24 hours. After this deadline, the order will be reprocessed based on the standard BPP price list.
5. Confirmation by other means, agreed with the BPP representative, of participation in the ACCA Accelerate programme is acceptable.
6. The promotion entitles you to a 20% discount off BPP standard prices on the following products and services:
6.1. Online Classroom Live Taught course.
6.2. Online Classroom Live Revision course.
6.3. Integrated Online Classroom Live (for ACCA subjects for which the course is not divided into Taught and Revision parts).
6.4. Online Classroom Mock course.
6.5. Online Classroom course.
6.6. Books in print.
6.7. Books in eBook format.
7. The promotion can be used multiple times.
8. The regulations available on the BPP website apply to the provision of services purchased under special offers..
9. The promotion is valid until further notice.