ACCA Administration Service

Would you like BPP to handle the paperwork for your ACCA qualification on your behalf?
Order BPP’s administrative service. This is a semester-long service, valid for 6 months.

As part of the administration service

We will register you in ACCA Go to the section We will enrol you for the exams in the exam sessions Go to the section We will pay all fees on your behalf and issue a VAT invoice Go to the section We will remind you of all important ACCA deadlines Go to the section

ACCA registration

Registration with ACCA can take place at any time during the year. If your first exam (due to exemptions) will be an exam taken in an exam session you must remember that registration with ACCA should take place no later than 14 days before exam entry deadline for the chosen session. To register you will need to send us the documents required by ACCA and complete a short authorisation form.

Check the list of necessary documents in the current administration offer

Check the details

Complete the administration order form at the ACCA registration stage

Download the form

ACCA Exams

As part of the administration service, we can book you for ACCA exams organised in special examination centres in 4 sessions per year. Please note that it takes a few days for us to process such a booking, so you need to send us the relevant exam declaration at least a few days before the ACCA exam exntry deadline.

ACCA exams can also be taken at home, under exam conditions. Some exams are available throughout the year (exams from the Applied Knowledge module and paper Corporate & Business Law), while others can be taken at home but only in ACCA exam sessions. Due to additional formal and technical requirements we cannot book such an exam on your behalf - you must do it yourself.


Being ACCA member or having ACCA student status involves paying fees to the association:

  • At the initial stage of registration, this is the registration fee and exempion fees (if granted).
  • Then, as you study, you have to bear the cost of each exam attempt.
  • In addition, annual fees are paid at the beginning of each calendar year.

We can pay all these fees on your behalf and then issue a VAT invoice to you or your employer.

Check all fees on the ACCA website

Find out the details

Contact and support (including deadlines management)

We are in regular contact with all our administered students - both by email and telephone if you need us to. You are looked after by a single, dedicated client advisor, so they know your history and suggest the best solutions for you.

We also regularly remind you of all upcoming deadlines, such as exam entry deadline or the due date for payment of your annual membership fee.

Administration - Spring 2025

Support with formalities related to March and June '25 sessions.

Download the offer

Administration- support with formalities in ACCA

Discounts and promotions

Below are the current special offers for the BPP administration service at ACCA. Click on the link for details and terms of the offer.

ACCA Approved Employers

Special offer for employees of ACCA-accredited companies. Valid for the administration service in the Spring 2025 and Autumn 2025 semester.

Check the details

Oder administration service now

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