Processing of book orders

In addition to training, we also offer learning materials - in print and eBooks.

Books in print

  • Printed books are sent by DPD courier to the address specified in the order form.
  • Book deliveries are made once a week based on our stock levels.
  • Courier deliveries are made only within Poland. If you are interested in shipping textbooks outside Poland, you are welcome to buy directly from our publishing house: BPP Learning Media .
  • The condition for dispatching books is that the payment for the order is recorded in our system.
  • The cost of book delivery is added to the pro forma invoice according to the following price list:
Number of books
in the order:

Delivery in Warsaw

Delivery in Poland

Up to 3 books.

15 PLN net

25 PLN net

4-10 books.

25 PLN net

40 PLN net

11-20 books.

40 PLN net

60 PLN net

Over 20 books.

delivery priced individually


  • Orders for our eBooks are processed based on our current stock.
  • The activation code for the eBook is sent by email to the address indicated in the order form.
  • Orders are processed within a maximum of 5 days of the payment being recorded in our system. In practice, we try to process these orders as quickly as possible, often on the same day.
  • We also provide full instructions on how to activate the code in the email.
  • Once the code is activated, the eBook is immediately available on the individual account on the Vital Source platform.