Chartered Global Management Accountant

The CIMA association's CGMA qualification focuses on improving competence in business management and the use of financial information in management processes. The CGMA emphasizes the development of business-essential skills, thus meeting the needs of employers and providing its students and members with the best possible preparation for professional challenges.
Leading pass rates, well above the world average. A learning framework built on the data we collect and analyze to help you effectively prepare for the exam. Comprehensive offer, modern BPP HUB platform and professional advice.

About CGMA qualification

The CGMA qualification consists of 16 exams and is divided into two main parts: Certificate and Professional. The Professional part consists of three levels - Operational, Management and Strategic. Within each level, three Objective Test (OT) exams and one Case Study exam must be passed before moving on to the next level of the qualification.
Computer-based OT exams are held on-demand throughout the year at Pearson VUE exam centers and as online exams. Case Study exams are available in four exam sessions per year - February, May, August and November.

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How can we help you pass CGMA exams?


Our goal is to prepare you for the exam in an efficient and effective manner so that on the exam day you are confident in your knowledge. That's why our courses are based on the current CIMA's CGMA Exam Blueprints, and the learning framework is tailored to the type of exam you are taking (you should prepare differently for an OT test and differently for a Case Study exam). You will find Online Classroom Live interactive courses with live classes and flexible Online Classroom. Find out more


We have our own publishing house, BPP Learning Media, which prepares and regularly updates our CGMA exam books. The books are available in traditional printed copies and as modern eBooks. Find out more